To my daughter on her second birthday…

My dearest Fiona Bear,

It’s been exactly 730 days since I saw you come into this world. You came in quietly, unexpectedly, and without any help. You simply appeared and before you took a breath, you filled the room. Within a second, you filled my life with more love than I have ever known.

Your first year of life, I hardly slept. Every moment of every day, I wished things for you and I was convinced that by merely wishing things upon you, that they would just be. It didn’t occur to me that you would grow and become who you are meant to be, and that we were just your guides in this thing we call life.

But then this year happened and you are now an independent little person. This year you learned to walk, run, you climbed a tree, and are now starting to talk… And I have found myself realizing that more than wishing things upon you, that we should be an example for you to follow. Guides. Companions. But mostly witnesses of what you will accomplish in your life.

This year you’ve made me want to be better for you.

Just like the day you were born, you are independent, intentional in what you do, and a force of nature. Seeing life through your eyes, I’ve learned to let go of fear and find that sense of adventure I had left behind with age. You teach me everyday more than I teach you. You are fearless and determined and those are qualities that I hope you’ll keep forever.

You are also disarmingly loving. You love the world and everything in it. But you love us most of all. You love us in your joy, and also in your tantrums. You throw your arms out to hug us when your world seems overwhelming. And during those moments, when I don’t think I can love you anymore, I do.

For 730 days I have loved you. Every day I am in awe of the amazing person you are becoming. I look forward to spending the rest of my life getting to know you, knowing that just when I think I won’t be able to love you more, I will.

I didn’t think I would be able to be a mother. I am the luckiest person alive because I have the privilege of being yours.

Happy birthday baby bear.

Yours forever,


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